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Kaapsehoop Horse Trails (Riding)

Contact Info
+27 076 108 0081
Kaapsehoop Horse Trails, Berlin Plantation, Kaapschehoop, 1209

Kaapsehoop Horse Trails has gained a fine reputation over the years as trail riding establishment due to the excellent conditions of the well-trained horses as well as the safe riding, all combined with the soul and passion found in this unique setting.

Regardless of your riding experience, what better way to enjoy the soul-reviving feeling of being on horseback while soaking in sheer beauty and tranquility. Safety, comfort and enjoyment takes precedence and both novice and experienced rider can enjoy a wonderful ride.

There are different options available including an hour ride, a 2 hour ride as well as pony rides for ages 6 years and younger. All trails are guided and for the novice rider, the dedicated team is always at hand to offer guidance both before and during the outrides.

The breeds used for our trails are mainly crossbred horses that include Boerperd-, Friesian-, and draught horse crossbreeds. Owing to the horses being trained using the natural horsemanship philosophy along with enjoying a free-roaming life, these trail horses are not only well-schooled but also have excellent temperaments.

The trails run through rolling grasslands, pine forests and along the edge of the breathtaking escarpment.

Advanced booking is essential, so don’t delay to enjoy this magical experience!