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The South African Side Hustle

The South African Side Hustle

The South African Side Hustle

The South African Side Hustle

South Africans are a unique tribe of intellectual business people.

South Africans face so much more than any other country – ranging from an uncertain financial climate, broken politics to Covid related challenges. But through this, our people are still a hard working and intelligent community of innovators and hustlers.

The side hustle is something that most South Africans are familiar with; we have taken small owned businesses to the next level by playing to our strengths to create supplemental income. A few local side hustles have become lucrative businesses in the process and we salute those few that paved the way for the rest of us to be recognized.

man and woman standing while chatting

In our current financial climate, the average South African household needs a side hustle to counter the negative aspects that our economic state goes through on a daily basis. Sociably shows respect to the full time working moms that gather strength to bake and decorate cakes during the early morning hours, the sons that build tables and furniture on the weekends, the young children running spaza shops from their homes after school, the tired souls that keep on pushing, thinking and not giving up – WE SEE YOU.

If you find yourself in the position of needing extra income, remember, you are South African – you were born into a country that does not know how to give up. We all have something to offer, finding your strengths might take a couple of tries but do not give up.

How to start a side hustle?

Most side hustles have physical items that are bought and sold, the easiest of these items are food. We all must eat, it’s the driving force we need in order to be productive during the day. Using this side hustle as an example, the next step you would need to take is to determine what kind of clientele you will be serving. Are you in a big building without a cafeteria? Are your prospective clientele healthy eaters? Where is the nearest shop? After properly surveying your market that is in proximity to you, you have enough data to determine whether food is the correct side hustle to attempt. One must remember that a failure to plan leads to a plan for failure.

woman wears multicolored striped sweater

This process can be applied to any situation.

  1. Determine the gap in the market
  2. Survey your clientele
  3. Determine your best strength
  4. Setup your marketing plan
  5. Budget
  6. Budget again, work in your return on investment.
  7. Don’t go into massive debt for your side hustle, the point is to make money.
  8. You are going to have a bumpy start, don’t give up.
  9. Learn from criteria, learn from mistakes.

When your side-hustle involves intellectual property you just need a proper portfolio to showcase your skills. Writing, data capturing, and graphic designing are some of the side hustle jobs available in this area of expertise for the international market.

man sitting on rolling chair holding dog

Places to set up an online portfolio

How to acquire skills and certificates completely online?

Udemy has many specials that start from as little as R180 a course, yes you read right. Self-taught entrepreneurs don’t always have certificates, but they do have the drive and ambition. Follow the link to view some of the online learning platforms that offer free and paid online learning. Some offer accredited certificates as well.


We are proudly South African, and we firmly believe we are entering an era where we can prove to the rest of the world we have something special flowing through our blood. If you have a side hustle send us your details and we will help with as much exposure as we can.

Goodluck, we can’t wait to see what you create!

With love, Sociably.
